Friday, November 07, 2008

She Just Said NO to Cardio

Dear Craig,

All I can say is thank-you, thank-you, thank-you, THANK-YOU!!

I used to be one of those "lucky" people that bought into the hype that you need to do tons of cardio to get any real results and after a year of this I was going out of my mind with boredom and to get myself  to go to gym started to became a real effort.

Then one day while I was browsing the web I came across your site and after umming and aahing for about a week I decided to take the plunge and get it. BEST BUY EVER!

This my third week into turbulence training and already I am seeing results - my arms are more defined and I've lost an inch off my waist. Not only that I now look forward to going to gym again. Plus people have started to notice and ask me what am I doing, and I tell them - TURBULENCE TRAINING!

Thanks again and keep up the good work.

Debra Roux,
South Africa
Click here to Just Say NO to Cardio

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Craig, i've placed my order for "Just Say No TO Cardio" from amazon. But according to them, this book is still not ready for delivery as this is a pre-order book.
So when will this book be ready?
